Sunday, 22 July 2012

Long time ..... see. I need to mark my callendar to remind me to post on my Blog. I now have a few scarves, brooches and hooked pictures for sale in Odin Stone, Kirkwall. Odin Stone is a lovely shop which sells a mixture of local crafts and art work as well as crafty bits and bobs from other places. They also stock more 'mainstream' gifts. It's a lovely shop to browse in. Look it up and see on I'm taking my wares to the East Mainland Show and the Shapinsay Show next month. I'm also planning to take my spinning wheel and do a bit of spinning while I 'man' the stall. Fortunately it's not just me having to fill a table. Mary will have her lovely scarves, cushions etc for sale. They are all made from recycled material. Watch this space for photographs of our adventures. I wont leave it so long next time.